The soccer term, “Cutting the angle,” usually refers to how a goalkeeper positions themselves in relation to the attacker with the ball. By moving towards the attacker from the center of the goal, the Goalkeeper reduces the amount of open net available to shoot the ball into, giving the Goalkeeper a better chance of making a save.

Soccer Definition: Cutting The Angle Part One - Smarter Soccer
Soccer Definition: Cutting The Angle - Smarter Soccer Part Two

Cutting the angle can also refer to defending. If a defender is able to intelligently position themselves to “cut off” a passing option from an attacker, while simultaneously protecting their goal, it limits the attacker’s choices.

How a defender “cuts the angle” will be discussed with more detail in a future Soccer Hacks article, but anyone playing defense should always be thinking how they can position themselves on the field to limit space and passing options for the opponent.

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Smarter Soccer Quiz: Is the goalie cutting the angle?

Quiz: Is this goalie cutting the angle?
Find out below!

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Cutting The Angle


In this example, the attacker has eluded the defender in front of the goal (Zone 14), opening up a nice shooting lane. Unfortunately, the Goalkeeper decides to stay in the goal, giving up plenty of space on either side of her (orange area).

By not coming out of her goal to cut the angle, the Goalkeeper is now at a big disadvantage. The attacker has a lot of open net to shoot into, and as long as she places her shot, it’s an easy goal.

Smarter.Soccer Insight: If you’re an attacker in this situation, there is no reason to blast the ball as hard as you can. It’s more important to place your shot, low into one of the corners with the inside of your foot.

Cutting The Angle

Cutting The Angle
Example: Soccer Goalkeeper NOT Cutting The Angle

Quiz: Is this goalie cutting the angle?
Answer: No!

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